Call us today:

0161 484 0000

Lifelong Recovery

At Acorn Recovery Projects, we enable individuals and their families to break free from drug, alcohol and other addictions by finding, not just immediate recovery, but emotional, social, lifelong recovery.

We can understand and empathise with others in similar situations and see the person behind the illness. At Acorn Recovery projects, our success comes from our staff, 85% of whom, at all levels within the organisation, have ‘lived experience’ of recovery. We are a dedicated team that can support and help you and your needs along the way.

We support people throughout their recovery journey in a compassionate way, focusing on the long-term solution, even beyond treatment. We have a variety of housing options available to help you on your journey of moving towards fully independent living.

“Before I came into treatment I was mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally bankrupt. My addiction had made my life unmanageable; it was like fighting in the dark, I couldn’t see the light and I couldn’t do it on my own. Acorn Recovery helped me identify cycles of behaviour and ultimately, I found the underlying root cause to my addiction. I’ll always be grateful to Acorn for providing a safe space for me to heal from past trauma.”

Community Services

We offer a range of community services across the North West from drug and alcohol to mental health support. Through the lived experience of our staff, we offer tailored programmes to support you into lifelong recovery to help you live your best life.
Community Services

Supported Housing

We provide a safe environment with our supported housing across Lancaster and Greater Manchester if you are looking for a place to stay and rebuild your independence following substance misuse or homelessness.
Supported Housing

Residential Rehab

Our residential rehab provides a safe environment for you to begin your journey to recovery. Located in Burnley and Stockport, our residential rehab consist of single rooms only and our programme will allow you to explore problem behaviour and issues to overcoming addiction.
Residential Rehab










Social Enterprise

Our Acorn Academy provides behavioural change, emotional wellbeing, and addiction awareness training courses for service users,  professionals, and the wider public.

Our Bad Kamra video production team helps people to grow in confidence, whilst gaining valuable work experience in media skills and production techniques. 








How you can support us

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Get In Touch

To see how we can help you, call us on 0161 484 0000.
All enquiries are handled with total confidentiality.

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