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Posted on 5 September 2024

Acorn celebrates first year success of National Lottery funded project

Acorn Recovery Projects are helping build brighter futures for their volunteers through long-term employment opportunities, thanks to support from the National Lottery’s ‘Reaching Communities’ fund.

Starting in July 2023, the three-year project will progress 15 volunteers (who were previously Acorn clients) into sustainable paid employment.

Each year will see at least five volunteers move into 12-month paid part-time positions, before supporting them to move onto new roles.

Louise Whitworth, from Acorn Recovery Projects, said: “As a service, we’re extremely grateful to the National Lottery for giving us this unique opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives”.

She continued: “This funding doesn’t just change their lives; it has a ripple effect. It helps their friends, families and the wider community too. In the first year, these five people helped support over 380 people in recovery”.

All five volunteers from the first round of paid work placements have now moved onto new permanent positions within the recovery community.

The second round of paid work placements kicked-off in July this year, with six clients and volunteers being granted a 12-month paid position within the Calico Group.

These part-time positions are located across Lancashire and Manchester, with placements in Spark, Acorn and Delphi.

How funding from the National Lottery helps our communities

‘Reaching Communities’ by the National Lottery funds projects and organisations that work to make positive changes in their community.

Volunteer Co-ordinator Louise explained continued: “As a recovery service, we really value lived experience and understand how much it helps those who are just starting their recovery journey.”

She added: “These paid part-time positions help by allowing people to earn a salary, whilst gaining invaluable work experience. Placements are provided with a full training package, which helps to support them in their personal development and growth”.

“For many, it gives them the security of being able to continue claiming benefits. It gives them a roof over their head, money in the bank, food in the cupboards, and even holidays abroad.”

These positive changes can also have an affect on the wider community. By supporting more people in recovery, we can lower crime rates and reduce hospital admissions.

Following the success of the first year, The National Lottery will be coming over to meet everyone involved in the project. This visit will include Dean Lee, who started his paid position last year…

“Redwood House and Acorn have had a huge positive impact on my life”

Dean, who is described by his clients as a ‘gentle giant’, was one of the first five volunteers to gain a paid role in July 2023. Working part-time at Redwood House in Rochdale, he quickly got stuck in and enjoyed working closely with Acorn residents.

Dean Lee explained: “Although some days have been quite challenging, I’ve managed to stay calm. I deal with situations in the correct manner through the guidance and training I’ve received over the last year. The support I’ve had from my work colleagues has been second to none.”

He continued: “Redwood House and Acorn have had a huge positive impact on my life. For the first time in a long time, I’ve got a home a stable future with my family. It has given me the chance to gain my own home for myself and my daughter to live in.”

After the success of his first year, Dean’s contract has been extended by six months. He’s also studying for his Level 3 in Counselling, after successfully completing his Level 2 qualification.

To find out more about the project, please contact

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