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Posted on 10 May 2024

New Recovery wing opens to support substance misuse at HMP Manchester

Working in partnership, Delphi Medical, Acorn Recovery Projects and HMP Manchester have opened the new Recovery Wing providing inmates with the chance to address substance misuse and start their recovery journey.

The plans for the new unit started in May 2023 with learning taken from the previous recovery wing and improvements have been implemented into the new wing service offering.

The Recovery Wing will offer RAMP which is a Reduction and Motivation programme, providing a safe environment for those in addiction to explore their problems and make life changes to achieve a lifelong recovery.

The service on the new wing will also provide awareness sessions, wellbeing check-in’s, 12 step workshops, Creative Therapy, acupuncture, and peer-led discussions. Each individual’s progress will be tracked on a monthly basis during their recovery journey. Awareness sessions will be hosted by partner agencies including the Mental Health team and Chaplaincy.

The new unit aims to encourage individuals to have a voice and lead their own recovery journey and improve their lifestyle in preparation for release. This is supported by the Acorn and Delphi team and staff at HMP Manchester.

The Recovery Wing is open to anyone within the prison who meets the criteria and individuals can apply to become residents.

Tom Woodcock, Director of Treatment and Recovery at The Calico Group said: ‘We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust and HMP Manchester to open the new Recovery Wing and provide people with the chance to focus on making positive changes during their time in custody and to sustain them on return to the community.

We will create positive conversations and support people with substance misuse issues to explore their problems in a safe environment and establish a successful recovery journey.

Our aim is to create an environment where we can deliver a more personalised approach to recovery and produce long lasting results and sustainable change in people’s behaviours.’

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